Wednesday, October 14, 2009

King of the World

The original design for this has been kicking around my sketch files for a couple of years. This past summer I was asked to design a tattoo featuring Mister Seek and well, there you go.
Musical accompaniment turned out to be a no-brainer.


Anonymous said...

Deborah says the Martini glass makes her think you were watching a Family Guy episode about Brian when you came up with this guy. She knows that isn't true and that you've had this little guy on paper for yeeears now. But still. TV has tainted it for her.


Anonymous said...

Deborah also isn't sure why she capitalized the word "Martini" in her previous comment. She also wanted to mention that she likes the work overall and she hopes her other comment hasn't pissed you off too too much. She only wanted to piss you off a little bit. She's kind of a bitch.